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Hot Water Tanks

Installations and Diagnostics

Why should you upgrade?

  • Reliability: It constantly needs repairs. A newly purchased home likely came with an old hot water tank.
  • Efficiency: Old inefficient hot water tanks have much higher energy costs. This can really add up over a year. Newer models tend to be much more efficient, but also the right sized tank can make all the difference.
Photo of a hot water tank

When is it time to replace it?

  • How old is it? The average lifespan of a hot water tank is 10 years. As the tank approaches the end of its lifespan, it will be more prone to repair, and less and less efficient.
  • If you run out of hot water more than once a week, the issue may be capacity. This may be especially true if the requirements of your household change, such as more people living in the house. Replacing the tank with a newer and larger size may be what you need.
  • Performance is one of the best indicators that it is time to replace your hot water tank. If you find yourself constantly waiting for the water to heat up when doing dishes or taking a shower, it's time to get the tank assessed.
  • Are there signs of rust and corrosion? Or water pooling near the base?
  • Have you noticed any issues with your water quality? If you're noticing a foul smelling odour or taste, along with discoloration, your water heater may be to blame.

What can you do to keep your tank running optimally?

  • Drain the tank once a year and wash out sediment.
  • Ensure the tank is at the right temperature. Set it only as hot as you need to.
  • Reduce heat to its lowest setting when you are away from home.

Let us help you with your hot water tank today!

Hot water tank issues can be intimidating, but the pay off of resolving the issue can be huge. Let us handle the tough stuff, and you can enjoy hot showers worry free, and save money while you're at it.